Plymouth first donation based yoga therapy course has been seen as a success.
The major reason is because of the reduction in symptoms exhibited by the attendees.
Plymouth’s first donation based yoga therapy sessions – October and November 2016
Attendance overall 87%
A symptom assessment scale was completed by all participants and this outlined a main symptom and a scale of 0-10 of the severity of the experience at the beginning of the sessions and then after the last session. 10 being the worst (most severe). Average scores displayed below.
Symptom 5th Oct 30th Nov
Difficulty Sleeping: 4.6 1.8
Lower Back Pain 5 1.6
Breathing Problems 4.3 1.1
Digestion problems 4.1 1
Low Mood 5.5 0.8
Headache 4.5 1
Most marked improvements
Lower back pain: 9 to 3; 7 to 2; 4 to 1; 9 to 1
Breathing problems: 9 to 2; 4 to 0
Low mood: 3 to 0, 8 to 1, 10 to 0
Digestion problems: 6 to 2
Headache: 7 to 2
Individuals reported improvements for individual symptoms
Knee pain 9 5
Upper back pain 9 4
Sciatica 5 1
Shoulder pain 8.5 5
Fibromyalgia 9 3
Some quotes from attendees:
I really loved the pigeon posture. It has really improved my sciatica, I think it would help my husband
Greatly helped with lower back pain
Physically I feel much better, the sinus infection has shifted which had been lingering, my general wellbeing has improved.
After the class my mood really lifts and I am more positive.
It’s too short a session I could do with another hour.
I feel very energised after the session.
I don’t know what you have done but my back has stopped hurting.
An excellent course, yoga therapy works!! Better than and tablets or drugs. It [the course] must not stop
I have never done yoga before, I absolutely love it. I hope it continues long into the future. The classes have really helped heal back pain and the pain in my knee is clearing too.
I would not have been able to afford it unless it was pay what you want