jason@skinnibuddha.com 07828768053
Yoga therapy case studies in Plymouth

Plymouth's first donation based Yoga Therapy Course
It started as a pilot study to provide accessible health care for the local community.
During October and November 2016 [skinnibuddha] yoga therapy teamed up with Devonport Live to provide Plymouth residents with an 8 week beginner friendly yoga therapy course. The aims were to alleviate lower back pain, reduce low mood, relieve asthma and headaches, some of the common issues which many people exhibit. However after initial consultations the remit of health complaints included arthritis and shoulder pain, lower back and lumbar pain, depression, Fibromyalgia, Asthma, Sciatica. In fact these are just a few of the conditions treatable through yoga therapy.​

Extremely positive results
Over the 8 sessions attendees learnt to practice a variety of yoga techniques to help promote health and wellbeing related to current medical condition. This included postures, breathing techniques and relaxation techniques. The classes have been beginner friendly, gentle and motivational, with a variety of options available for those with differing ailments.
Now participants have expressed interest to continue the programme, with those on a waiting list eager to attend the next course.
Hopefully this will be the start of yoga therapy being made more available throughout the city.

KB long term back pain
As a 21 year old she had suffered with back pain for over 5 years. After 1 session the pain had reduced and after 3 sessions the pain had gone completely. "I have had back pain since I was 16. Now for the first time in 6 years I can safely say I have been free of pain for 3 months. It is all thanks to the weekly yoga sessions from you Jason."KB

SP anxiety, stress and depression
This person came suffering with low mood, diagnosed depression and a fatigue which accompanied this condition. After 1 session there was a noticeable difference and after several weekly sessions the person went on to return to living a positive life again. "Thank you so much, After the class my mood really lifts and I am more positive. I feel like a new person, just after 1 session. Absolutely brilliant." SP

MF slipped (herniated) disc
This person came with chronic lower back pain from a slipped disc. She was in extreme agony and unable to contnue life as normal. After 3 sessions she was able to return to a partly normal life and after 5 sessions the pain had disappeared completely. "The main things is – I’ve had no pain in my back since yesterday!!! The chronic it-is-taking-over-my-life-pain has gone!" MF

FL shoulder and neck pain
He came to get relief from a long term shoulder issue with restricted movement. After 8 sessions he reported a marked decrease in pain (virtually non existent) and a wish to continue with weekly yoga therapy sessions. "An excellent course, yoga therapy works!! Better than any tablets or drugs". FL

LS Sciatica
She came with long term irritating sciatic pain. After three session and completing weekly homework tasks she felt she was able to manage her sciatica. "I really loved the pigeon posture. It has really improved my sciatica". LS
JT fibromyalgia
JT started to attend a course in yoga therapy. This included learning several techniques for combating autoimmune disorders. After 8 weeks (8 hours) she said her life had turned around and she had decided to start a new life abroad stating she was now able to manage her condition with the prescribed techniques

She had been diagnosed with COPD. After just one session felt opening of the chest and use of lungs. She said that she felt calmer and more relaxed as a result of the chest and airways opening

JS Arthritis and hip pain
She had been a runner and cyclist for many years and was complaining of arthritis in the wrists, knees and of continuous hip pain. After several sessions the pain had reduced by about 90%. She had said that the yoga therapy techniques he was using were able to consistently reduce pain and helped manage future flare ups