jason@skinnibuddha.com 07828768053
Ayurveda Therapy

£45.00 / hour
Treatments can form part of an ayurvedic therapy plan or can be administered individually
Oils, liquids and herb costs vary depending on the condition and quantities used in the treatment
Science of Balance

Ayurveda "science of life" is a traditional system of medicine which originated in India more than 5000 years ago. Ayurveda is a hoilstic approach to health and well-being, and considers the balance of mind, body and spirit. The primary goal of Ayurveda is to promote good health, prevent illness, and provide personalised treatments for various health conditions. Ayurveda is not just a medical system, it is a philosophy; using the profound wisdom of nature, a guide to living in harmony with the rhythm of the cosmos.
How does Ayurveda work?

Ayurvedic medicine primarily treats energy imbalances in the body, which inevitably lead to visible physical problems, called “diagnosis” by Western medical science.
Ayurvedic treatment does not mean suppressing the main symptoms and creating some new ones as side effects of the main treatment. It is to remove the root cause and give permanent relief.
The treatment mainly comprises of powders, tablets, medicated oils etc. prepared from natural herbs, plants and minerals. Because the medicines are from natural sources and not synthetic, they are accepted and assimilated in the body without creating any side effects.
Along with medicine, proper diet, exercise and living style is also advised. This is equally important. If we are taking a medicine to remove the root cause and at the same time we are taking some food or following a life style which is increasing the cause of disease, then we may not get well or will be getting less relief.
Treatable illnesses

The health conditions in which Ayurveda can have a positive effect are:
Auto immune disorders:
Fibromyalgia, lupus, psoriatic arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis
Diseases of the joints:
arthritis, spondylosis and spondylitis, gout
Skin diseases:
psoriasis, eczema, hair loss, pimples, acne
Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract:
indigestion, increased acidity, colitis, constipation, hemorrhoids, various types of hepatitis
Respiratory diseases:
cough, sinusitis, cold allergy
Diseases of the urinary system:
kidney stones, prostatitis, impaired renal function
Women’s diseases:
irregular menstruation, cysts and fibroids, infertility
Motor (neurological) disorders:
consequences after stroke, paralysis, energy imbalances leading to physical problems
Problems of the cardiovascular system:
hypertension (high blood pressure), heart disease, coronary heart disease
Mental problems:
insomnia, depression, addiction, anxiety

To give you the best possible chance of healing from your condition then we will offer you a personalised blend of the various treatments we provide.
Pancha Karma (detoxifications of the body and soul, massage, shirodhara meditation, personal diet plans, daily rituals and Yoga therapy
Ayurvedic treatment does not mean suppressing the main symptoms and creating some new ones as side effects of the main treatment. It is to remove the root cause and give permanent relief.
Personalised treatments:
£45.00 plus oils/herbs

We look at your condition and your personal make-up (physical, mental, emotional) to offer a unique set of treatments to heal you from the very core. Rather than just covering up the symptoms, we look at what is causing the illness or disease. We start with a detoxification process and introduce daily ritual and nutrition plans based on your unique constitution.
through five actions

Many illnesses arise from a build up of toxins. Panchakarma treatments aim to eliminate the accumulation of toxins in the body. This allows nutrients, waste and other substances to flow freely in the body. This is vital for optimal health.
The various treatments aim to purify and rejuvenate the body, mind and spirit.
It is not a one size fits all approach. Specific oils, herbs and procedures are used. Also the duration of the treatment depends on its severity and according to your personal blueprint.
The benefits of Panchakarma (detoxification) include better sleep, improved joint and muscle health, stress reduction, enhanced immune function, part of a holistic approach to managing certain medical conditions.

Kati Basti
£45.00 plus liquids used

A dam like structure made of dough from gram flour is created and filled with warm medicated oil. This relaxes the tight tissues in the target area and reduces pain, as well as administering the medicated herbs through the skin. It is specifically designed to address issues related to the lower back, such as back pain, sciatica, herniated or bulging disc
This can also be done on upper back/neck area, which is beneficial for upper back pain, stiff neck, whiplash or migraines.
Janu Basti
£45.00 plus liquids used

A dam like structure made of dough from gram flour is created and filled with warm medicated oil. This relaxes the tight tissues in the target area and reduces pain, as well as administering the medicated herbs through the skin. It is specifically designed to address issues related to the knee joint, such as knee pain, or arthritis
£25.00 plus liquids used

Medicated oils or herbal preparations are administered through the nostrils to clean and balance the head and respiratory passages. This is used for conditions which affect the upper respiratory system as well as allergies. (half hour)
elimination of toxins in the digestive tract

We use medicinal herbs to induce bowel movements which remove toxins from the intestine and liver.
This is predominantly used for skin conditions such as excema, dermatitis or psoriasis
Cost is determined on an individual basis dependent on condition, quantities of herbs and length of treatment
included in consultation

In the realm of Ayurveda, food is considered a medicine. The main principle is that the body has the capacity to heal itself naturally. Emphasis is on wholesome meals, seasonal fresh fruit and vegetables.
The Ayurvedic diet is based on your unique constitution. It aims to purify the body and enhance health while building immunity against disease. Using the nutritional requirements for your own body the personal specific diet nourishes the body, mind and senses. The result is increased energy, positive thinking and heightened awareness
included in consultation
Also the philosophy acknowledges that our well-being is connected to our life choices, the way we harmonise the rhythms of the day
YOU ARE NOT JUST WHAT YOU EAT! Ayurveda says YOU ARE ALSO WHEN YOU EAT! The times you eat decide how nutrients assimilate into the body. Eating times, waking times, sleeping times and self care rituals are provided according to your true nature.

Once we have assessed your unique make-up then we can provide you with diet and daily rituals

Abhyanga Massage
included in consultation

Self massage or therapuetic massage with specific oils. We show you how to massage certain parts of the body dependent on your own condition and what types of pressure and direction is needed. This is connected to your own constitution.
Some treatments benefit with oleation (body massage). We will discuss this with you during the initial consultation. Abhyanga body massage: £45.00 plus liquids used
£45.00 plus liquids used

Treatment of pouring warm oil or other liquids onto the forehead (third eye) area. The choice of liquid is dependent on your specific constitution and imbalances which occur. This is very good for stress-related illnesses, skin conditions, insomnia, migraines and some neurological disorders
Yoga and meditation
included in consultation

Part of the Ayurveda Treatments includes time to move the body and find space in the mind. Through specific techniques (breathing, posture, meditation) you get to take control over your own healing. Daily practice adds to the effectiveness of the treatments being taken.